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Erjing Cui, MA, LMHC 

我为13岁以上的青少年和成人提供个人与 心理咨询服务。


我常用的咨询导向为常用咨询导向:接纳承诺治疗(ACT)、情绪聚焦治疗(EFT)、暴露疗法(针对强迫症)(ERP)、社会文化治疗框架(sociocultural therapy framework)。


我也获得过以下咨询导向培训:认知行为疗法 (CBT), 正念, 创伤聚焦认知行为疗法 (TF-CBT), 人际关系疗法以及人本疗法。





Practice Areas



  • ·       焦虑症

  • ·       强迫症

  • ·       身体畸形恐惧症

  • ·       社交恐惧症

  • ·       创伤

  • ·       生活转变

  • ·       失去

  • ·       文化适应

  • ·       文化冲突

  • ·       抑郁症

  • ·       自我探索

  • ·       亲密关系

  • ·       人际关系

  • ·       工作压力

  • ​        职业探索


我曾受训于哈佛大学医学院附属麦克莱恩医院(Mclean Hospital) OCDI 强迫症中心,擅长结合接纳承诺疗法(ACT)以及暴露疗法(ERP)治疗强迫症以及有关疾病。

Multiculturalism &
Social-Cultural Therapy

Erjing approaches all presenting concerns from a multicultural and social justice framework. 

Erjing believes that therapy is not only about looking inwards, but a process of recognizing what has happened to you means in the context of society and empowering changes that heal. 

(Includes but not limited to International students, H1b visa holders, refugee, adoptee, and illegal immigrants) 

Erjing enjoys working with all populations whose families originate in East Asia, South Asia, Western Asia, and Southeast Asia. 

Depending on your racial identity and cultural stories, each of you has your own stories and struggles while navigating your way of being in the world. Being rooted in multicultural counseling and intersectionalities, Erjing is passionate about supporting the overall wellness of this community.

Click here for information on groups!

Outwards &

“I was in a dark place that I no longer am. I honestly think that Erjing was a big part of me not giving up on myself. Without her, I wouldn’t be where I am today. I am eternally thankful.”

      "In therapy, she pushes me to jump into the uncertainty, but she also doesn’t overdo it. She has helped me tremendously on encountering fears that I would never think I am capable of encountering.

        She gives me space and patience in therapy and she’s able to understand me well, wherever it is that I am coming from.

       She understands there are no negative emotions, but there are emotions that are more difficult, which is a huge factor in recovery too, to feel whatever it is that you are feeling.

       All in all, I wouldn’t be where I am now in recovery without her significant help! "



  • 美国华盛顿州注册心理咨询师(Licensed Mental Health Counselor) (执照: LH61033109) 

  • 华盛顿州认证督导

  • 华盛顿州卫生署认证的少数种族心理健康专家;

  • 华盛顿州卫生署认证的心理健康专业人士



  • 现任职一家覆盖全美的临床行为健康医院(Rogers Behavioral Health),担任强迫症/焦虑症和抑郁症咨询师。

  • 现任国际强迫症基金会(IOCDF)华盛顿州分会副主席。

  • 曾任西雅图亚洲咨询中心心理咨询师,服务青少年及大学生。

  • 曾受训于哈佛大学医学院附属麦克莱恩医院(Mclean Hospital) 强迫症中心(OCDI),提供个人以及团体临床服务。

  • 曾任美国创伤治疗行业首屈一指的波士顿创伤中心(Trauma Center) 研究助理。

  • 谙熟美国非营利组织系统:曾一对一服务美国家暴受害者、无家可归者、第一代大学生(来自低收入家庭)。服务对象含非裔美国人、拉美人以及西班牙裔人,对如何克服种族之间的交流困难颇有经验。

  • 曾在“用心抗疫”担任咨询师以及组织负责人,服务受疫情影响的医务人员、国内大众人群以及海外华人;该组织被纽约时报路透社、凤凰新闻等20多家主流媒体报道。



  • 波士顿学院(Boston College)咨询心理学硕士

  • 伊利诺伊大学厄巴纳-香槟分校(UIUC)发展心理学与政治学荣誉生 (graduation with distinction) 本科,毕业荣誉论文为“自我概念与中美文化差异”。

  • 自杀性协作评估和管理培训认证课程(适用于儿童、青少年以及成人)(CAMS)2022

  • RYT 200 瑜伽教师培训认证课程2021

  • 情绪聚焦治疗(Emotion-Focused Therapy- EFT)高级同理心培训- 创始人Robert Elliott. 2021

  • 性侵犯/性虐待咨询师培训认证2020

  • 情绪聚焦治疗(Emotion-Focused Therapy)二阶集训- 创始人Dr. Les Greenberg 2020

  • 接纳承诺治疗III 认证--   Robyn Walser, PhD. 2019

  • 情绪聚焦治疗(Emotion-Focused Therapy)一阶集训- 创始人Dr. Robert Elliott. 2019

  • 美国心理学会(APA) 少数民族奖学金获得者  2017



  • Cui, E. (2022, November). Professional Networking Event for Providers of Color. OCD Online Conference 2022.
  • Cui, E. (2022, November). People of Color Support Group for OCD. OCD Online Conference 2022.

  • Cui, E. (2022, July). People of Color Support Group for OCD. OCD Conference 2022.

  • Cui, E. (2022 March). “我有强迫症”- 强迫症的四个误区 - Four Myths about OCD. " OCD Washington. (video 1)

  • Cui, E., et al. (2021, November). Diversity Roundtable: Diversity in Action. IOCDF OCD Foundation. (video 2)

  • Cui, E. (2021, Fall). Providing Culturally Competent OCD Treatment for Asians, Asian Americans, and Pacific Islanders. OCD Newsletter, Volume 35, Number 3. International OCD Foundation. 

  • Cui,E., Morse, S., Mostoufi, S. (2021, July). Barriers and Bias: Cultural Competence in the treatment of OCD.  IOCDF OCD Conference 2021

  • Cui, E., De Leon, C., Xie, L., Sze, R. (2020, December). How to Recognize and Support My Child Experiencing Depression. Presented at Mental Health Forum Series, Bellevue School District, Bellevue, WA. (video 3)

  • Cui, E., Wang, L., Yung, H., Xie, L., Wang, M., Ho, J. (2020, June). Family Wellness Forum for Mandarin Family in Bellevue School District. Presented at, Bellevue School District, Bellevue, WA.

  • Cui, E. (2020, April). Coping with COVID. 疫情下的心理健康. Bilingual presentation for Denise Louie Education Center, Seattle WA.


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首次个人咨询 $200         75分钟

常规个人咨询 $145-165  50分钟




​如果您感兴趣预约15分钟的首次免费询问,请邮箱 或电话 857-323-2188。留言时请提供电话以及方便联系的时间。


Good Faith Estimate 







(857) 323-2188 



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2207 NE 65th Street

Suite 204

Seattle, WA 98115

Mental Health Counseling for OCD,
Mental Health Counseling for Asian

© 2022 by Erjing Cui Counseling. Proudly created with

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